Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Christian Worldview

I know the world is more than 4,000 years old.
I believe in evolution (ok, actually I don't care, but if I have to choose, I'll take evolution).
Space is above the earth's atmosphere. I have no clue where God lives; actually, I don't think God lives anywhere in the way much of the Bible portrays.
A global flood is a cool story but there was never an ark filled with animals.
Ditto with the Tower of Babel.

None of that has anything to do with a Christian worldview. All of that has to do with confusing faith for science. Affirming all those things I denounced not radical. It doesn't change our interaction with the world. It only makes us yell that things that can be quantified and tested and are not true. And we look silly doing it.

Here's a portion of a Christian worldview that is radical: there's enough. Of everything.

You want a world-rocking claim? Live that for a while. Because "there's enough" isn't a concession about the way you think, it's a re-ordering of your life.

We live in a world that shouts, "There's not enough!" Our economy is one of supply and demand. The less of something there is, the more it costs. The more people want something, the more it costs. There will never be enough. In fact, making less of something, or natural scarcity of something, is the surest way to ensure it costs a lot. In our economy, there can never be enough. Instead, our economy says to hold on to what you get, especially if it's scarce. It might be worth even more.

Don't believe me? Think about the Beanie Baby craze of about 15 years ago. If your memory's fuzzy, Google it. See what I mean.

But the claim of the Christians--actually, lots of God's people, not just us--is that there is enough. Give some away and you'll still have enough. That something you give away might be food, money, or clothing.

In addition, enough is actually enough. As in, if you have clothes to wear today, you're good to do. Food to eat today? Awesome!

For Christians to say that, in God, there is enough and will always be enough is actually life-altering. It might make you give away a lot of money you thought was yours. It might make you open your home to a stranger. It might make you offer your employees a salary when you're not give yourself one.

Sound crazy? Sound bizarre? That's how a worldview changes your life.

So please stop caring about something as mundane as how old the earth is.

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